1. 改廃する統計と変更点
1) 生産・出荷・在庫統計は廃止いたします。
2) 需給実績表は、対象鉱種と公表項目を以下のとおり変更します。
① 銅、亜鉛、鉛、銀、スズについては、在庫、生産、出荷、輸出入につき月報ベースで統計を公表します。
② ニッケルについては、生産および輸出入の統計を公表します。
③ 金は、年報ベースで生産、在庫、出荷統計を公表します。
④ その他の鉱種についての統計公表を中止します。
⑤ ①から③の鉱種についても公表内容を変更し、原則として生産者側の統計公表となります。
⑥ 統計様式を一部改善します。また、英語版の統計表を和文版に合体し、和文英文併記の表とします。
3) 2021(令和3)年1月分の統計公表から適用します。
2. その他の統計
January 25th, 2021
Dear readers
We thank you so much for your approach on our statistics.
We are pleased to notice our new statistic announcement policy applicable on the report ofJanuary 2021 as described below. This is based on fundamentally METI’s abolishment of 2 governmental statistics of the Current metal supply demand report, and the precious metals flow report by December 2020. We reviewed our currently statistic policy as appropriate, and decided to modify our statistics announcement.
1. Statistics tables in modifying
1) Full cancellation of the JMIA statistic on production, shipment and inventory.
2) Partial modification on the Supply and Demand report as described below.
① Monthly report available for copper, zinc, lead, silver and tin with items on stocks, production, shipment and trade in similar contents.
② Only production and trade monthly report is available for primary nickel.
③ Annual report is only available for gold on production, stock and shipment.
④ Full abolishment for any other metals.
⑤ Statistics content are based on producers’ figures due to the government statistic announcement change, including the above
①②③ contents.
⑥ Report formula is partially modified. One table is only announced by consolidating both Japanese and English items description.
3) This notice is applicable January 2021 statistics and thereafter.
2. Other
Other statistics are available as they are, and we will notice additional statistic policy modification appropriately.
Yours respectably
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